Saturday 2 January 2010

Marcle 2 Jan 2010
Talked Simon Dillworth into joining me for a desperate attempt at a first flight of 2010 at Marcle today.Arrived to see two pilots walking back up after a TTB but the wind had picked up and felt soarable, so off we went. Simon launched first whilst I pratted around adding extra layers (no way was I going to land through cold). By the time I was ready the wind had increased a little more and so I walked down the front a bit, managing to fall over covering all my gear in mud in the process (OK Tim you were right Marcle is a little messy). After slipping and sliding around trying to control the wing in freshening conditions I finally got off in a somewhat exciting and less than text book launch. By this time steam was coming out of every orifice in my ozee as all those extra layers I had added did their stuff, and I really wished I hadn’t bothered. Once airborne it was perfectly soarable and surprisingly there was even the odd broken thermal to play with. Eventually the sound of gunfire from the wood at the South end of the ridge persuaded me it was time to bottom land and pay the farmer before I got mistaken for a pheasant. A pleasant if muddy day, thanks to Simons wife Rosemary for braving the cold and driving own to fetch us, and the shooting party for resisting the temptation of bagging a giant pheasant.
The flying season has started!
Chris H.

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