Thursday, 19 May 2011

Malvern Alpine Expedition May 2011 Thursday

Today started early with a 9:30 TTB from Samoens NW launch providing everyone with more forward launch practice and a smooth flight down, except Chris H who drove (honestly it wasn’t a ploy, I can do perfectly respectable forward launch). Following that we loaded both vehicles and headed for Annecy and Plan Fait today. Ian’s call on the weather seemed spot on as clouds in Samoens were already building when we left and Annecy was much sunnier (and hot). Arriving at the landing field a quick coffee stop turned into a full blown 4 course lunch all for 12 Euros. Of course all this food plus the warm day resulted in more enthusiasm for an afternoon nap than flying , but we managed to rally and proceeded to Plan Fait take off by mid afternoon. The scale of things here is really deceptive, Plan Fait looked really low down against the background of the mountains however on take off it provided a perfect view of the lake and a very interesting flight down. The after effects of lunch and a lack of much activity by the locals deterred some from flying but in the end Mark T, Brian P and Chris H had short flights before landing at the bottom. Cross wind and thermals made take off somewhat entertaining but other than that once away it was really not too bad, except for the intimidating clouds over the peaks which somehow didn’t seem to bother the locals. A grand day out followed by beer and barbeque
Chris H.

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